Most night lights on the market are for mother – baby use or general homes, with a minimalist look and a focus on brightness. There are few designed specifically for women.
Our aim is to change that. Picture a woman coming home from a busy day. She takes off her work shoes and slips into a soft nightdress. As she gets ready for bed, our vintage – styled night light, inspired by the classic matinée lamp, is there. We’ve redesigned it with soft lines and chosen a soothing macaron pink. Its lighting is adjustable by touch.
Imagine her in her cottage at night. She lights this martini – shaped night light, sets down her book, and snuggles under the covers. The warm glow helps her relax and drift into a peaceful sleep.
A sense of atmosphere is a crucial part of getting along with people. Nerius is inspired by candlelight, which makes up for the fact that night lights are about candlelight.
Pushing a cup for a change, whether it is with family or lover, a good atmosphere light can create a more warm atmosphere and add icing on the cake.
After you fall asleep, it is like a candle on the bedside table, embellishing your room from light to light, illuminating your dreams and giving you a perfect sleep.
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